OG Collections

=Year 2023 is symbolized by the Black Rabbit in Chinese Astrology=

Exploring the Reasons Behind SPC's Selection of Black Rabbit for OG Collections: Single Paradise Club - NFT has chosen Black Rabbit for our OG NFTs because year of 2023 is symbol of Black Rabbit from Chinese Astrology. The cycle is beautifully made by mathematic which is every 60 years, which means year of 1963 is also symbol of Black Rabbit. This makes the OG Black Rabbit collection unique and valuable.

To prevent duplication of OG Black Rabbit in the future, we will skip new minting in certain years to protect the OG Black Rabbit collection. For example, we will not mint new Black Rabbit NFTs in the year of 2083 and 2143, thus preserving the rarity and value of the OG Black Rabbit collection.

This is one of the reasons why SPC OG Black Rabbit collections are very valuable. Remember, only Black Rabbit Collections are SPC OG NFTs. Other symbols would be considered as new minting for new members, but they would not have the same rarity and value as the OG Black Rabbit collection.

By continuing this practice of skipping new minting in certain years, we can ensure that the OG Black Rabbit collection remains unique and valuable for many years to come. Furthermore, it will be passed on to the next generation and will be a legacy of the founder of SPC.

Utility and Use Case at the Forefront:

At SPC, we understand the importance of utility and use case when it comes to our NFT project. Unlike many art-based NFT projects, we focus on the class perks and benefits that our NFTs provide to our members. Our design team used A.I technology to generate a variety of designs, but hand-picked only the best ones to ensure that our NFTs are not only visually appealing but also functional.

We take great pride in the uniqueness of our Diamond, Sapphire, Ruby, Topaz, and Emerald class NFTs, but for Aquamarine class NFTs, we have decided to use Nineteen (19) different designs, to make other classes look more unique.

We are constantly working to improve and expand our NFT project and partnerships to make our OG NFTs more valuable. As an early NFT seeker, you have the opportunity to be a part of our growing community and unlock new possibilities for single individuals looking for a fun and memorable vacation experience. Join SPC today and be a part of the future of vacationing.

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