Pre-Vacation Preparation: Essential Tasks for SPC Vacationers

You must have "Travel Insurance" before take your vacation!

At Single Paradise Club - NFT, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our members, and require all vacationers to take out travel insurance before embarking on their trip. This insurance should cover any unexpected medical expenses, trip cancellations, and other potential issues that may arise during your vacation.

It is also important for vacationers to have valid passport or ID and visa if needed. Vacationers should also inform SPC Manager their flight information as soon as possible, so we can arrange ground transportation and other necessary arrangements.

Additionally, vacationers should also familiarize themselves with local laws and customs, and be aware of any potential safety concerns or hazards in their destination.

By taking these steps, vacationers can ensure that they are fully prepared for their trip, and can focus on enjoying their vacation without any unnecessary stress or worry.

Please note that SPC is not responsible for any travel-related issues or accidents. We strongly recommend that all vacationers obtain travel insurance and take necessary precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable vacation.

Last updated